The quick guide for transforming your garage into a one of a kind space. Complete design ideas for the man cave garage!
So you have your pride and joy sitting on a slab of concrete in a cold bare room most likely attached to your house. Your human significant other wouldn't live this way inside the house and neither should your car in the garage! Things of beauty like being surrounded by things of beauty!
How do we turn this dungeon of a room into something you will want to spend the majority of your time in? Well, with a little bit of planning, elbow grease, NAPA know how....errr interior design know how, it's actually pretty simple.
Lets Get Started!

The Plan
The garage will be your sanctuary so you should plan it that way. Are you the type that does full engine rebuilds or just the occasional oil change? Would you rather have room for your beer fridge or a full lift? Figure out what's important, and sketch it out on a piece of paper to rough dimensions.
Here is an awesome website that allows you to do exactly this on a simple scale by clicking and dragging objects in.
and with a few more options
Make sure to consider what you want the flooring to look like along with the walls. Do you need work tops and cabinets, or couches and TV's? Expenses vary significantly depending on what you want.
Here are a few more things to consider
- Wall type & finish
- Floor type & finish
- Lighting
- Required space for what's important to you
- Electric & plumbing needs
Pinterest can be your friend for this. A few simple searches and you will find a variety of ideas for your garage design.

Implement the Plan
If you are like me, you always assume you can do all the work yourself in a timely fashion. This results in purchasing all the necessary tools (expensive, but you get more tools!), watching countless how-to youtube videos, and then the work taking double or triple the time.
I would suggest pricing it all out three different ways. You doing all the work, part of the work, and hiring professionals to do all the work. Then ask yourself what your time is worth!
Now if you are like most of us, you will have to convince your significant other of why this is more important then the bathroom remodel. I suggest taking the "it will keep me out of the house and your hair" approach, but please use your own discretion!

The Final Touches
This is where the tires meet the road or I guess the art meets the wall? Bare walls look horrible and so do mindless posters, so please don't skimp here. Of course I want you to check out all of our laser engraved blueprint artwork pieces. They come in a variety of different materials to match any garage. I can, of course, draw up something custom for you as well.
Some other really cool wall decor are these cutout race tracks offered by
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